VMF Latvia, visit to JÖRG ELEKTRONIK
The scanner solutions were presented at several stations in the company. The focus was on the log scanners JORO-3D and JORO-X, the truck measurement JORO-volume, as well as the software services in optimization.
VMF Latvia is an independent service provider that ensures quality assurance in the wood industry in Latvia. One task is the control of automated log scanners. Latvian sawmills already rely on the products of the German scan and measuring specialist, which resulted in the contact to JÖRG ELEKTRONIK. Therefore a delegation of 32 persons visited Oberstaufen on Thursday 10.10.2019 to exchange information. The participants were representatives of the sawmill and forestry industry.
The scanner solutions were presented at several stations in the company. The log scanners JORO-3D and JORO-X as well as the truck measurement JORO-volume were in the focus of attention. At the same time the software services for the optimization of logs were discussed. Latvian customers especially appreciate the precision of the scanners and the high quality of the services.
After a little refreshment, the group moved the tour to a live demonstration. At the Ortswärme Oberstaufen the participants could see the truck survey JORO-volume in action and get a picture of the advantages.
JÖRG ELEKTRONIK thanks VMF-Latvia and all participants for the interesting visit and the positive feedback.